

If your organization is like most, December is jammed with projects to complete and people to meet. Much like the inn in Bethlehem, your schedule is filled to capacity. So the question is, is there room in your day-to-day operations for a God-interruption?

Recently, our leadership team sat down for its final budget meeting. There was a sizable gap between expenses and income, and we’d carved out two hours to rectify it. Everyone’s schedule was full, so there was no time for bantering or burden-sharing. But I was concerned about a tenuous ministry partnership, and I knew the team would want to know. So I shared it, and we talked and prayed together. Not in a rushed way, but with careful consideration. The load I carried was now shared with others and lifted to the Father. I was relieved. We went on to balance the budget with time to spare.

3 Ways to Make Room for God

1. Loosen up. Relax your grip on tight schedules and hyper progress. Tune into the Spirit’s movement more than the hands on the clock. Be open to God messing with your plans so He can accomplish His.

2. Love more. Develop a culture within your organization that intentionally values God and others. Prioritizing God and people above goals and projects will bring the fruit of love, joy, and peace, enabling your ministry to make true progress.

3. Un-silo. It’s human nature to attend to our own “silos” – those areas of responsibility that are ours to maintain. But when we’re willing to care not just for our own silos, but also for the silos of others – the overall health of our organization will improve.

God-interruptions come in all shapes and sizes, and all throughout the year. As leaders, it’s impossible to open our calendars and plan for God’s interruptions, but we can open our hearts and say yes to them as they come. When we do, we experience the wonder of God’s ministry in the midst of our busyness.

“It’s impossible to open our calendars and plan for God’s interruptions, but we can open our hearts and say yes to them as they come.”

- Lisa Hosler

“Father, give us hearts that say ‘Yes, there’s room for You and whatever person, project, or concern You want me to give attention to.’”

Let each of you look not only to his own interests,

but also to the interests of others.

Philippians 2:4

Bear one another's burdens,

and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Galatians 6:2

How do you keep room in your heart for God’s interruptions? Feel free to share your thoughts in the Comment Section below.

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